School Finance 101

Understanding school funding and expenses can make anyone’s head spin because, let’s face it, it’s complicated! We hope this series of short videos helps break it down and provides insight on why our schools are in financial crisis.

School Finance for You #1

Proposal A was approved by Michigan voters in 1994 and shifted 'day to day' school finance to a state-based model. Learn how Proposal A guides school finance.

School Finance for You #3

Everyone who works or lives in Michigan helps support public schools by paying taxes.  Watch to see where tax dollars for public education come from and how they are spent.


School Finance for You #2

Public schools in Michigan spend a majority of their resources on personnel. Learn how dollars are divided up to fund education in our state.

School Finance for You #4

Find out how the economic impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic will negatively affect Michigan's public schools.


piggy bank with graduation cap